Within Scotland the u3as are many and varied, from a large u3a with over 1000 members to small u3as on some of the islands, but however varied, we are united by our love of learning, sharing skills and talents, friendship and enjoyment in our Third Age.
As well as supporting u3as in Scotland u3aS provides online groups and monthly talks accessible to all members of any u3a in Scotland. These are especially useful to those who are unable to access such a topic at their own u3a, or are unable to go to in person groups such as those with a disability or those caring for others. It also encourages networking of members across Scotland. Please go to Online Across Scotland for more information.
To find a u3a in your local area please go to Members.
If there is no u3a in your area, why not start one. We can help with advice and a start up grant to cover initial costs.